条款 & 条件

条款 and 条件 must be accepted through your UNA 门户网站.

K8彩乐园条款 & 条件 Governing 金融援助 Awards

接受经济援助表明你已经阅读并理解了奖学金的所有相关条款和条件。. 我们强烈建议您阅读全文,并保留一份副本作为记录.

请记住,您的整个经济援助奖可能会根据资金的可用性以及提供给学生经济援助办公室或收到的任何更新信息而发生变化.  奖学金通知上列出的经济援助将按照以下条款和条件提供给您:

  • You must be enrolled as a degree-seeking student at UNA.
  • 你一定是美国人.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民.
  • Special students, transient students, early scholars, and unclassified students 不符合资格 申请第四章联邦学生资助, including Federal Direct Stafford Loans and Federal Direct PLUS Loans. UNA does not certify private loans for transient students.

学生经济援助办公室(OSFA)保留更改政策的权利,这可能会影响您将来获得经济援助的资格.  不遵守经济援助政策可能会导致你需要偿还已经收到的援助.


Your award is based on the assumption that you will be enrolled full-time. 全日制本科生12学时,研究生9学时, 在通往你学位课程的课程中. 为了有资格获得大多数经济援助,你必须注册并保持至少一半的状态.

如果你退学, 撤回, 或者做出其他学术上的改变, 你的助学金 may be adjusted and repayment may be required. Federal grant awards are based on full-time 招生 of 12 credit hours per semester. 如果你注册的学生少于全日制学生, 你的助学金, 包括联邦佩尔助学金, and the Federal Supplemental 教育al Opportunity Grant (SEOG), 会减少还是取消.

请注意:您的夏季经济援助奖励将根据您的初始注册进行手动处理. If you make changes to your schedule prior to the Summer freeze date, 请K8彩乐园的办公室审阅.

If you stop attending classes without officially 撤回ing, 你的助学金 may be adjusted and repayment may be required.

如果你在任何一个学期的学分低于6学时(本科生)/5学时(研究生), 本学年所有剩余的学生贷款将被取消. 你可以要求在本学年的剩余学期中重新获得学生贷款. It is your responsibility to request re-awarding of your student loan money. Your student loan for the following semester will be disbursed in two installments, 一半的贷款资金在下学期初发放,另一半贷款资金在学期中期发放.

您有责任了解从UNA退出的学生应遵循UNA退出政策和程序.  联邦政府已经实施了一项针对机构的提款政策,称为《首页》基金的回归.  如果你获得了经济援助,但在学期注册的百分之六十(60%)点之前退学, 你可能需要偿还在你的学生账户上收到的任何退款和其他援助.  You will be notified, in writing, of the amount that must be repaid.

你将负责偿还你收到的任何超出你财务需要的资金, 或者出于任何原因, you become ineligible for the financial aid.


UNA reserves the right to reduce or cancel your awards at any time. Revisions/Cancellation may result from changes in admission status, 招生, 分类, 住院医生实习期, 住房状况, 资金可用性的变化, 或获得其他奖项.


你必须对学位课程或证书课程保持满意的学术进步(SAP),才有资格获得联邦学生援助. Your academic progress will be checked at the end of each academic semester. You must meet the following standards of academic progress:

  1. 平均绩点(GPA). 学生必须达到大学对学生各自学术班级水平的最低学术GPA要求. 请参阅当前UNA目录中的学术程序和要求的学术标准部分.
  2. 完成课程时数的百分比. A student must complete at least 67% of all course hours attempted at UNA. 在UNA尝试的所有课程时数, 包括任何可能被放弃的课程时数或学生未获得及格分数的课程时数, 包括在这个计算中吗. 7月1日生效, 2011, any transfer course hours accepted by UNA will be included in this calculation. 即使学生可以申请并获得大学的重复/重新计算政策或第二次机会规定的好处,也不会对联邦计算的课程时数进行学术宽恕.
  3. 最大时间范围. 学生最多可修180学时以完成学士学位第一学位的要求,最多可修216学时以完成学士学位第二学位的要求.  The maximum number of allowable graduate courses varies by program.

Please review the SAP policy at 令人满意的学业进展 Policy.  (插入超链接) http://zkpqqy.khobuon.net/financial-aid/satisfactory-academic-progress.html


34 CFR 668.修改全日制学生的定义,允许重复的课程计入学期制课程的注册状态.

  • Students may repeat previously passed courses 只有 ONCE and receive financial aid.
  • 学生可以重修不及格的课程,直到通过,只要保持令人满意的学业进步,就可以获得经济资助.


The financial aid is disbursed based on your 招生 at that time. If you have received financial aid and are not enrolled full time, your aid will be reviewed and possibly adjusted after drop/add. 如果你计划退课和/或参加兼职(本科生少于12小时), 毕业生少于9小时), 学生经济援助办公室建议您不要兑现或花费您的经济援助退款,并根据您预期的兼职注册状态联系经济援助办公室审查您的经济援助奖励.

You will receive financial aid in two installments (one half is disbursed for fall semester; the second half for spring semester), 除非另有说明. Disbursements are made directly to your student account.

If you are a first-time freshman student borrower, 您的第一笔贷款将延迟到您在UNA的第一个学期开始后30天发放. 这只会发生在学生在大学出勤的第一学期.

If you are receiving a federal student loan for one semester, i.e. 仅限秋季学期或春季学期, 你的贷款将分两期发放,第一次在学期开始时发放,第二次在学期中期发放.

If the total financial aid paid to your student account exceeds your total charges, a refund will be issued to you by the UNA Office of Student Accounts.

未完成的要求可能会妨碍你的经济援助及时发放. 为了防止这种情况发生, please check your outstanding requirements by logging into your UNA 门户网站 account.


当所有要求都得到满足时, your financial aid will disburse into your student account at UNA.

联邦援助基金将支付学费, 费用, contracted room and board (where applicable), UNA书店的课本, 及其他相关教育费用.  If all charges have been paid and a credit results, remaining federal funds will be returned to the student via a refund.


奖学金用于支付K8彩乐园的学杂费, 校内食宿, 和UNA书店的课本. 奖学金 may have additional award criteria, 细节, 或限制-请仔细查看您的奖励信,了解个人和/或捐赠奖学金的指导方针.

Institutional scholarships are non-refundable. Refer to the Business Refund Policy for additional information.

Refunds will not be available before the first class day of each semester.


Scholarship funds will be credited to your UNA student account. K8彩乐园不会以支票的形式将奖学金的任何金额直接支付给你, 现金, 直接存款或借记卡.

奖学金的支付取决于K8彩乐园K8彩乐园基金会提供的资金. All scholarship awards are subject to change depending on fund availability, 预算限制, and the size/quality of the applicant pool.

Your student billing statement may list different funding sources for your scholarship.  然而, 你每学期的奖学金总额将等于你的奖励信中所述的金额. 

优秀奖学金提供给高中毕业后立即进入UNA的新生. As a rule, a student may receive no more than one UNA Excellence Scholarship.

所有奖学金都是有时间限制的,必须在奖学金授予信中指定的日期之前接受. 如果在规定的录取期限内未被接受,奖学金将被取消.

学生经济援助办公室(SFA)将在秋季学期结束时检查所有一年级优秀奖学金获得者的成绩. 对于成绩低于2分的优秀奖学金获得者,国家林业局将取消其春季学期奖学金.30 semester GPA in his/her first semester at UNA.

获得可续期大学奖学金的学生必须符合其奖励信中列出的最低续期标准, 包括达到最低GPA要求,并在秋季和春季学期通过27个小时.  只有在当前援助年度内在K8彩乐园成功完成的学时才会被考虑更新要求. 在其他机构完成的学时不计入奖学金的学时要求. 在上一学年或作为早期大学生完成的学时不计入续学要求. All scholarship renewals are reviewed based on the institutional UNA GPA. 

每个各自的学术部门或学院可以发送自己的奖学金通知给被选中的学生 赋予 scholarship awards by the department or college. 然而, 学术部门或学院发出的奖学金通知函不是官方的,对学校不具有法律约束力. 奖学金的正式通知将来自学生经济援助办公室 after verification of funding for payment of the scholarship offer has been verified.

为了获得奖学金的学分,您必须每学期在UNA注册至少12个本科学时,该奖学金可以支付. 你在另一所大学注册的学分不会被认为达到12(12)或更多的本科注册学时.  Scholarship awards are payable 50% in the fall semester and 50% in the spring semester.


你的奖学金是 不支付 研究生课程学时, 即使你应该在注册本科课程的同时注册研究生课程. 您可能注册的任何研究生学时都不包括在本科学时中,以达到本学期至少12学时.

If you do not fulfill the terms applicable to the scholarships, you may be required to repay all or part of the scholarship.

如果你退学 or 撤回 after receiving credit for the scholarship, any refund will be distributed proportionately to the scholarship account, 根据联合国的既定政策. 例如, 如果你的学费减少50%, then your scholarship award will be reduced by 50%.

如果你在获得奖学金期间的任何学期完全退出所有课程, all remaining semesters of your scholarship, 如果有任何, 将被取消. (没有例外:例如. 医疗撤离)

你的奖学金金额是 只有 fall and spring semesters of the academic year, unless specifically stated in a separate scholarship agreement.

你必须在连续的秋季和春季学期注册才能继续获得奖学金. 你的奖学金没有资格推迟到比所陈述的更晚的学期或更晚的学年, unless specifically approved in writing by the Director of Student 金融援助.

你有责任了解GPA和学分的最低更新要求,以便每学期或每年更新你的奖学金. 学生经济援助办公室不负责或有义务提醒或通知您奖学金的最低续期要求. You may request this information from the 学生资助办公室.

在注册主任办公室记录并公布您的奖学金更新的最低学术要求之前,您的奖学金将不会续签到下学期或下学年. It is your responsibility to ensure that grade reports from another university, 无论是国外还是国内, are provided to the Office of the 注册商 for recording and posting.

您未能阅读和理解这些条款和条件并不免除您遵守这些条款和条件的责任, 也不承担因未能满足学术更新要求而失去奖学金的责任.

Under the Family 教育al Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, 经过修改后, 我明白,没有我的书面许可,我的教育记录不能被公开. 因此,我授权K8彩乐园(UNA)向我的捐赠奖学金捐赠者发布我的教育记录,以便在不违反FERPA的情况下分享教育记录. 我明白,只要我从上述捐赠者那里获得捐赠奖学金,这份释放协议就会有效,我有权随时通过通知UNA学生经济援助办公室来撤销这份释放协议. 

请注意: The 金融援助 Office sends all communication to your UNA e-mail address. 您有责任保持您的联合国电子邮件帐户活跃,并经常检查您的邮件.
